Some Things I’m Loving

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Fall, Beverages, Fresh Starts

  • Fall Beverages – Call me basic, but my coffee budget doubled this month for Starbucks fall menu. I love the pumpkin cream cold brew.
  • Fall – the best season for weather and fashion! I’m looking forward to pulling out these boots, sweater cardigans, and sweatshirts
  • Beverages – I’ve been saving all kinds of coffee and mocktails to my pinterest board, and I’ve been on a protein smoothie kick. My favorite is Shaklee (not the soy), but I recently tried Boobie Body, and I’m liking it mixed with PB2 (this one does have sugar).
  • Fresh Starts – I guess the academic in me can’t get away from the start of school always feeling like a new year, even if I haven’t attended in years. September is always a good time for me to regroup, look at my goals I had for the year and either keep pushing or sometimes shifting focus entirely. This year has been a big shift for me and my family, and some of the goals I originally had are no longer feasible for this year. That is okay. There are other big things I didn’t expect to be ready to embark on, yet I find myself in the midst of them. 

What’s some things you’re looking forward to the rest of the year? Let me know in the comments.

2 Responses

  1. I feel the same way when it comes to regrouping during September/October, I don’t know why but it gives me the right vibe to just sit down and start revising my year.

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